Thursday, 24 May 2012

Creating Lists for Pages

It can be really annoying
how only pages show up in  your news feed that you have interacted with lately. For some reason facebook has a default setting that friends and pages show up in your news feed that you have interacted with recentlly. Yet there are pages that you do want to see in your news feed but you are not seeing them. I have had pointed out many times "HOW CAN YOU INTERACT IF YOU CAN NOT SEE IT IN YOUR NEWS FEED"!

Creating interest lists is a great way you can keep up to date with what is happening with the pages you have liked. The set up process is easy and doesn't have to be time consuming. It is only time consuming if you want to do it all at once. Like me who tends to be an all or nothing person. However if you are happy to create some basic lists and add to them over time, then it won't take you long. Just follow these simple steps.

  1. Click on the add interests on the left hand side of the page (below favourites, friends, groups, apps & pages etc.)
  2. Click on add interests then click on create list.
  3. A box will come up with all the pages you have liked in it. You can select individual pages you would liked to add to your list or in the box at the top type in specific page names. If you don't have time to go through every page or can't remember specific names, then you can type individual key words into the box at the top. For example if you are creating a 'Preganancy, Birth & Post Natal' list, you can type the word pregancy and all the pregnancy pages will come up. Then you can type in birth and all the pages with the word birth in their name will come up.
  4. Once you have selected the pages you would like to add to your list, then click next.
  5. Type in the name of your list and select who you would like to see your list for example 'Public, Friends or Me Only'.
  6. Click done and your list is created.
Now you have a basic list. You can continually add to your list as you see pages come up in your news feed or as you like new pages. Once you have created this list you can also create other lists for more of your interest. Some of the names of the list I have are Art/Craft & Handmade, Pregnancy/Birth & Post Natal, Health & Wellbeing, Social Media. Since creating my lists, I am now able to keep up to date with the pages I have liked and no longer missing out on their posts if they are not showing up in my news feed.

Kym Presdee - Owner Work at Home Hub

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