Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Is the Grass Greener on the Other Side!

Is the grass greener on the other side? From the outside people often seem to have more money, more assets, more happiness, more friends, more holidays. Is it true? From what I have seen, it is not true at all.

One thing I have seen time and time again, is people, who I thought had a better deal than me in life, however they still want more and are not happy. They say a book can not be judged by it's cover. Neither can peoples lives. Every one has their own struggles in life. The family who has the expensive car and big house may have large debt, the family who is always going on holidays may work a lot of overtime which puts stress and strain on their family, the family who has a nicely furnished house may have put their own blood in sweat into the house to ensure it is nicely renovated at minimal cost, and for all we know, their furniture may be second hand. The family who claims they do not have money, may actully be earning good money but not have money because they do not budget well or have chosen an expensive lifestyle which they have trouble paying for. The parents who we judge so harshly at the check out for having an outburst due to stress, may for we all know have a terminally ill or disabled child, the couple we percieve as pefect may have domestic violence. We do not know other people's situations or stories. There will always be some one who is better or worse off than us.

We do know our own situation and a very important thing to remeber is "IF YOU CAN NOT BE HAPPY WITH WHERE YOU ARE NOW AND WITH WHAT YOU HAVE NOW, THEN HOW CAN YOU BE HAPPY IF YOU HAVE MORE OR ARE IN A DIFFERENT SITUATION"? If you are at peace with where you are now, then you  are opening yourself up to be more receptive to change. Our own situation in life, comes from our own choices. We are the one's who chose whether to further our education after high school or not, and what qualifications we studied for, we chose the job we are employed at, we chose our partner/spouse, the house we live in, we even chose our expenses. If some one else had made choices for us, then we have allowed them to make the choices for us.Yes relationships fail, illness and accidents occur, which are out of our control, but for the rest of it - it was our choice. The university or college didn't enrol us, we enrolled. The job didn't come seeking us, we either applied for work or chose to start our own business, we chose our spouse/partner - it didn't just happen without out our knowledge or consent. It is a hard thing to hear that we have created our own circumstance by our choices in life. We so much want to blame everyone and everything else.

There is so much freedom saying to yourself "I accept responsiblity for the decisions I have made that contributed to my current situation." In doing this you are allowing yourself to let go of blame, regret and all the negativity that clouds our vission and ability to make new choices. You are making way for new decissions and possiblities. Most of all, you are allowing yourself to be content in the now. We have taken many steps to get where we are, so  we will most probably need to take many more steps to get where we want to be. Happiness comes from within, regardless of your situation. Enjoy your life and your journey, you won't find joy at the destination if you can't find it in the journey.

Kym Presdee - Work at Home Hub

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