Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year
As 2012 comes to end it is a time of reflection, letting go of the old and making room for the new. Many of us are thinking about our new year resolutions. Do you make new years resolutions? Some may make serious resolutions, some may do it more for fun, whilst others may not see the point. I can understand all these choices. Personally I am not a big fan of new years resolutions on their own, because I like to make goals through out the year and review when needed. However I do see the great value in making new years resolutions. There can be something very motivating about starting something new along with a new year.
Here are a few tips for making resolutions and goals;
  1. Only set one or two major goal. For example giving up smoking, working on managing your anger or renovating your house. All these types of resolutions are pretty big things, which require a lot of time effort and dedication. If you have too many major goals like these, your energy will be going towards too many things which may result in being more likely to not reach your goal.
  2. Remember any type of resolution that involves changing behaviour and creating new habits takes time. Depending on your personality type and the resolution, it may take a couple of weeks, but may take up to a few months. Especially if it is something that has been ingrained into you for your whole life or many years.
  3. You are more likely to succeed in your resolutions if you re-evaluate them through out the year. Say every few
  4.  months, ask yourself "How is it going", "Do I need to modify or change my resolution." Whereas if you make resolutions on just one day a year, without any review, you are more likely to not follow through.
  5. Remember to also have fun with it and come up with some light enjoyable things. For example "I am going to go to that Chinese restaurant down the road that I have always wanted to go to, "I am going to read ______ book", "I am going to go and visit my cousin I have not seen in five years", "I am finally going to dye my hair."
  6. Don't be too hard on yourself if your resolutions all don't come to pass. They are only a guide and not an absolute. You are the creator of your resolutions. Therefore  you have the power to add, change or modify them at any time. If it is something you really want, you also have the power to make it happen. Just persevere, keep trying and remember to review and modify when needed.
I hope all have a fantastic new  year and wish you happiness, good health and prosperity.

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