Sunday, 25 November 2012

We don't have to be super mums!

Super MumI have been very busy lately and have been conscious about the extra time I have spent to set up my new website. I sort of have had the guilts about the house getting so messy and not spending as much time with the family. Of course it is really hard to keep the house tidy for even five seconds with a nearly one year old and a two and a half year old. Especially since the toddler has a habit of pulling out every piece of clothing in her tall boy drawers, then doing the same to the babies drawers. She does it so quickly by taking her little chair in there and climbing on it so she can reach the higher drawers whilst I'm on the phone, in the bathroom or putting the baby to bed. So I have ordered some child proof door knob covers so she can't get into her room, the baby's room, our room or the bathroom. I am really looking forward to them arriving as it will hopefully it will limit the looking like a bomb has gone off to the toy room and possibly the lounge room because they tend to spread their mess out into the lounge room.

It is perfectly understandable that the house gets messy because I am a WAHM with young kids, work two days a week and trying to study (but not getting much done). Despite knowing this, I still secretly feel the guilts a bit. So it didn't help one bit when my husband said to me "You really should be watching the girls", this was when I was trying to finish my own dinner and had just logged onto facebook and my email because my website had just gone live the night before and I had a just over a week to edit it, test it and send people up there to register before launching. I quickly snapped "I am trying to finish my dinner and my website has just gone live"! Which he said no more.

Mind you my husband is a gentle, caring person. He has never once criticised me and does do a lot around the house and he is great with the girls. I am very lucky to have someone like him. So it it was a first for him to say something like that and it just so happened to be when I was feeling self conscious. So I tried to tell him how I was feeling and he told me I would just have to get over it, which is a very male response. He didn't seem to think it was an issue and said to me "our house is not a messy house, I have seen messy and this is nothing near it and of course the house is going to get untidy because we have 2 young children."

It is interesting as mums how we can be so busy and not ionly have our family to look after, we also have a home business, a job outside the home, study, yet we put pressure on ourselves and feel guilty because we can't be super mums. If we were to just look after the family and the house, that is enough in itself. Thats what many of our great grandmothers and great great grandmothers did. However in this day and age, we are very lucky to have the opportunies to study, work, build a home business. Alot of women in the past did not have these opportunities. However despite all these opporunities and things we do as well as motherhood, we need to remind ourselves that we are doing our best and that is all we can do. We may try to be super mums but we aren't super mums and we don't have to be.

Kym - Work at Home Hub Owner

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