Sunday, 16 December 2012

Changes to Work at Home Hub

Many of you have probably already noticed that Work at Home Hub has begun undergoing some changes. I am writing this blog to let our followers know what the changes are and why we are making changes.
When I first began Work at Home Hub, it was a very small facebook group and page under the name of Central Coast WAHMS. My reason for starting the group and the page was because I really believed that work at home parents (especially mums) are in need of a genuine place where they can network, meet other mums and promote their business in a cost effective way. This is particularly the case with mums who have babies and children who are not yet in school. Often they are not able to attend networking meetings because they are not child friendly and also can not afford to do much advertising, particularly the low income families and single mums. My vission for the group and page was to help provide another avenue where mums can network, promote their business, be inspired and have discussions about parenting and work/life balance.
I have found that Work at Home Hub has gone down the road of being primarily business promoting with minimum genuine networking or parenting discussions. This has happened in both the groups and the page. I have made some attempts to try and change this but have not been so successful. I think in part because our name is Work at Home Hub and many of our followers have either joined the group or liked the page because it is clearly a work at home page where they can promote their business and partly because  it has been running this way for a while now, so many people already have a perception of what we are about, which is predominantly a place to promote their business. I do understand that no matter what your business or name is, you can still receive spam, however since I changed the name to 'Work at Home Hub', the amount of spam in the groups, page and email  greatly increased. I think because some people just see the work at home part and see it as an opportunity to create hard sell/get rich quick claim or to spam. This would be fine if this was our aim and we primarily wanted to focus on providing a place for business promoting and offer related services and blogs. However the business promoting is only a small part of what we are all about and what I envision for Work at Home Hub. I really do think Work at Home Hub is a great name, it is just doesn't truly reflect what we are about.
Hence the reason for our new name 'Work Parent Life".  All our social media forums will be changed to this name.m We also have a new group called "Central Coast Mums", for Mums on the Central Coast (NSW), which has a couple days each week where WAHMs can network and promote their business. The rest of the week being for parenting related things and inspiration. Our Facebook page and all other social media forums will also have these two days where WAHPs can network and promote their business. In making these changes we have already begun to attract new people who are interested in being part of a community where they can meet other parents, discuss parenthood, their kids and be in an environment that is supportive to work at home parents. We  know many of our current followers will about these changes, however we are also  aware it may not be for everyone, because there are people that have joined primarily for the business promoting and not so much for the other stuff. That is ok because with 'Work Parent Life', we are now  moving back towards my original vision for this community. In doing this I feel renewed passion and enthusiasm.
Mostly this website will still be the same, the banner and image will be changed to reflect 'Work Parent Life'. We will still be doing both parenting and WAHP related blogs, the WAHP directory will remain, however we are not going to continue with the forum at this point. Most of our discussion is in our Facebook groups and not so much in the forum. All advertising will remain (banners, interviews) with the addition of some pregnancy, parenting & baby banners and interviews.I have also added a pregnancy and parenting menu to the website.
Since originally writing this, Facebook approved the name change on our Work at Home Hub page to 'Work Parent Life' and both pages have been merged together.
If you have any further questions, then you are very welcome to email me at
Kym Presdee - Owner Work Parent Life

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